
Palm Beach County Food Bank Guerrilla Marketing

When Bank of America granted The Palm Beach County Food Bank full promotional rights to a stadium baseball game, we looked for a unique way to seize the moment – and seize the attention of the thousands of attendees.

Half a dozen popcorn vendors roamed the stands with trays that read ‘FREE POPCORN.’ People opened their boxes to find them empty except for an insert that read ‘NOT WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING?’ When flipped over, it read ‘Hunger isn’t something most Americans expect to face. But the reality is, 1 in 6 people in Palm Beach County don’t know where their next meal will come from. Help us fight hunger” – along with a link to a mobile-friendly donation portal. The insert also invited people to get free popcorn by visiting designated concession areas, driving hundreds of people to the food bank’s awareness booth, creating opportunities for direct engagement.

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